Petroleum electricity

    Petrochemical Projects

    Name:Petrochemical Projects
    Valves:Pneumatic diaphragm regulating valve,pneumatic flange butterfly valve

    Petroleum projects include exploration, development and production of crude oil and natural gas; pipeline transportation of crude oil, natural gas and products; refining crude oil into petroleum products, etc. Petrochemical industry, generally refers to the chemical industry using oil and natural gas as raw materials.

    Metals, inorganic non-metallic materials and polymer synthetic materials are known as the three major materials. At present, the output of polymer synthetic materials provided by petrochemical industry in the world is about 145 million tons. In 1996, China has exceeded 8 million tons. In addition to synthetic materials, petrochemical industry also provides the vast majority of organic chemical raw materials. In the field of chemical industry, in addition to chemical products provided by chemical minerals, raw materials for petrochemical production have shown themselves in various departments.

    Where there are pipelines, there are valves. Valves are the implementers of control signals. FLOWX's pneumatic diaphragm control valves and pneumatic butterfly valves are widely used in petrochemical industry.

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